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5 tips to highlight your value at work for Singaporeans

As an employee, you’re most likely already doing your best to meet the performance requirements of your workplace. But while you’re already making attempts to show your value at work, you can still go the extra mile and truly show your potential. This sense of self-directedness not only helps you develop your skills and cultivate expertise in your craft—it also opens doors for career growth, job promotions, and higher pay, among other rewards. If you’re planning to go beyond the bare minimum at your job and become a top performer, here are some tips on how to best showcase your value as a colleague, a teammate, and a professional in your field.

Treat extra tasks as learning opportunities

Going above and beyond your core job description is a sure way for you to stand out as an employee. If your workplace is launching a special project that requires extra hands, don’t be afraid to raise your hand and volunteer. Additionally, if you feel that the project is right up your alley, consider taking on a leadership role. These opportunities will not look good on your resume, they can also highlight your calibre and work ethic.

One of the factors that impact job satisfaction and hinder employees from taking on extra projects is a lack of training. Fortunately, in Singapore, there are programmes available for professionals like you that will help you further your industry-specific knowledge or learn new skills. For example, you can sign up for SkillsFuture courses Singapore-based employers recognise and value. SkillsFuture is a national learning programme that encourages all Singaporeans to engage in lifelong learning endeavours. Not only will you get the training you need when you enrol in SkillsFuture courses, you will also gain legitimate proof of your new skills and knowledge by getting certified.

Be proactive within your limits

Doing things without being asked is a quality that all employers value in employees. As such, if you see that something needs to be done, don’t just passively let things happen—take the initiative to do it. For starters, you can try bringing up existing or potential concerns, making suggestions for solutions, and helping out in addressing the issues. Your employer will likely appreciate your efforts to aid in decision-making instead of merely solving problems reactively.

However, you should also be aware of when you’re pushing yourself too hard. While it’s good to put in the effort, you also need to take care of yourself in order to perform at your best. Knowing how to balance work with your health shows that you are reasonable enough to sense when you and other team members are overworked to the point of inefficiency.

Be helpful to the team

Your organisation is one big team that requires the efforts of everyone in order to succeed. You may think nothing of it, but the struggle of one teammate can be detrimental to the whole. Become more of a team player by being encouraging and supportive of your coworkers, especially the ones who are having a bit of trouble at work. 

Likewise, you should also know when to ask for others’ help. Good work culture is one of the biggest drivers of employee retention, and employers will highly regard you for playing a big role in fostering a healthy work environment.

Don’t disregard your ‘Human’ side 

Apart from putting emphasis on your career-relevant skills, it’s also important to show that you are human. Instead of being closed off from your team, let them know more about your hobbies and interests. This will make your teammates better remember you as a coworker with a great personality and interesting skills and interests that make up an enriching life outside of work.

That said, being human also means being accepting, empathic, and open-minded. Agreeable team players are those who respect boundaries and accommodate a diversity of thoughts, experiences, and backgrounds. Doing your best at work is important, but you must also know how to place yourself in others’ shoes.

Be accountable and professional when talking about the company

No matter how satisfied you are at your job, there will come a time when you won’t agree with the decisions of your company. But even if your convictions don’t align with your organisation, badmouthing the whole company will only kill your career and potentially ruin any other opportunity outside of your job.

To become a highly valuable employee, you should know the importance of accountability. This means being aware of your actions and helping others—including your company’s leadership—improve their own. Outwardly complaining all the time will not do you any good, but participating in your organisation’s efforts at discovering solutions shows that you have a genuine desire to help the company grow.

Know yourself to showcase yourself

There are many ways to stand out at work, but the key to becoming a high-value employee is to know yourself well. To do this, you need to be aware of your capabilities, your limits, and what else you have the capacity to accomplish. But beyond your personal qualities, you also need to be mindful of your coworkers, your company’s work culture, the policies in place, and the role you play in relation to all of these. By having a clear view of where you stand and what you are able to do, you can transform yourself from a mere task-bound employee to a valuable partner that no company wants to lose.

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