Our last post about SEO tools did really and ranked decently for SEO tools, so kudos to us for practising what we preached.

The importance of a good SEO strategy and practice has been established quite strongly by industry experts, so we’re not going to spend too much time on that. In fact, let’s dive straight into Part 2 of our list of the SEO tools your startup needs to be using right now.

Person Typing on Laptop Computer Near Mug on Glass Table

Responsive Design Checker

Responsive Design Checker, just like suitable alternative Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test, does exactly what it says it does – it checks the responsiveness of a website. Just enter any URL to see how it looks on desktop, tablet, and mobile.

This free-to-use service even shows you how the website looks on specific devices like the Google Pixel XL2 or the iPad versus a Samsung tablet. For desktops, it shows the website with different resolution options.

Keyword Everywhere

This fun and free Chrome extension displays search volume, CPC, and competition data for Google in all the major search engines. Keywords Everywhere pulls out the data from Google Keyword Planner and displays the information in the search bar and on the side of your search page.


Smush Image Compression and Optimisation is a free (there is a paid version) WordPress plugin for compressing, optimizing, and resizing images on your site. At Tech Collective, this is a very useful tool for resizing our images to ensure it loads faster.

Another good free or paid alternative to consider is Shortpixel, which is another good image optimization tool, and even has a WordPress plugin.


GTMetrix analyzes the loading speed of your web pages. The good thing about this is that besides an arbitrary performance score, the service also provides actionable recommendations on how to make your web page load faster.

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Ahrefs Site Explorer

This comprehensive analysis tool is another marketer favourite and helps with full analysis for your marketing and SEO efforts. Some of the uses for Site explorer include:

  • Organic traffic research – See what keywords your competitors are ranking for and which pages bring the most search engine traffic.
  • Backlink checker – See which websites link to your competitors’ sites and gauge the quality of their backlink profiles.
  • Paid traffic research – Learn whether your competitors are doing paid search advertising and where they funnel their paid traffic.